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EARA Proclaims Endorsement of Candidate Ann Eubank for State School Board

P R O C L A M A T I O N  

WHEREAS,     Ann Eubank has dedicated 15 years to serving as a citizen advocate for excellence in education and our Alabama Public School System; and, 

WHEREAS,     Ann Eubank understands the importance of liberty and will focus on defending parental rights and improving public education, especially encouraging and supporting dedicated Alabama teachers; and,

WHEREAS,     Ann Eubank will seek to reclaim state and local control of education; and,

WHEREAS,     Ann Eubank proclaims “Education not Indoctrination.”

Now, Therefore, be it resolved,  

the East Alabama Republican Assembly Board of Directors, hereby in attendance, unanimously endorses the candidacy of

Ann Eubank

Alabama State School Board, District 3

In Witness Whereof, the East Alabama Republican Assembly has caused this Proclamation to be executed in its name and on its behalf on this the 22nd day of January 2024.


Lynn Bailey, Alex Balkcum,

Communications Director Recording Secretary

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