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DC Democrats Launch Alabama Election Rigging Scheme by Harvesting Votes Through Mail

In a March 25th, 2024 press release Secretary of State Wes Allen warned citizens of a diabolical scheme by shadowy DC Democrat organizations to sway Alabama elections in favor of their preferred candidates through a "misleading, unsolicited mass mailing of pre-filled voter registration forms". Two identical groups that are mirror images of each other yet mysteriously operate under different names, known as the Voter Participation Center and the Center for Voter Information, have "communicated their intent to send at least two mass mailings of pre-filled voter registration forms to Alabama citizens, beginning as early as this month." President and CEO of both the VPC and CVI, Tom Lopach, immediately pushed back against Secretary Allen's warnings by claiming that his organizations are strictly "non-partisan".

Lopach has been consistently crystal clear in his recent public statements, in keeping with the social justice mantras on the websites for his dual groups, that his unabashed intent is to massively boost voter turnout in Alabama amongst minorities, unmarried women and young people. Not all people, just the people that he and his glow in the dark cohorts anticipate will vote Democrat. According to VPC/CVI talking points, married women and white males tend not to vote Democrat.

These queer political machinations may naturally lead one to wonder "who exactly is Tom Lopach?" According to the electoral watchdog website;

Tom Lopach is a longtime Democratic political operative. As of 2020, he is the CEO of the Voter Participation Center (VPC) and its sister group Center for Voter Information (CVI), two left-of-center voter-outreach organizations which run voter mobilization campaigns in competitive states to support Democratic candidates.
Lopach has ties with the Kennedy family. He started his career working as a fundraiser for Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA). The founder and board chair of VPC and CVI is Page Gardner, another Ted Kennedy associate.
In 1999, Tom Lopach began his political career as executive director of the Committee for a Democratic Majority, and served in the role for eight years. During that span, the PAC went from spending $465,000 in the 1998 election cycle to a peak of $2 million in the 2004 elections. Political contributions exclusively went to Democratic candidates, with the bulk of expenditure going toward fundraising efforts for candidates rather than direct contributions. Lopach left the PAC in 2007, and it ceased operations after the 2010 election cycle. Throughout his seven years at the PAC, Lopach simultaneously served as national finance director for Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA).
From 2007-2009, Lopach worked as the national finance director of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.
From 2010-2014, Lopach served as chief of staff for Senator Jon Tester (D-MT). He then returned to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee for a two-year stretch as executive director.
In March 2020, Tom Lopach became CEO of both the Voter Participation Center and Center for Voter Information, both founded by Page Gardner, another longtime Democratic operative who formerly worked for Ted Kennedy.
Under Lopach’s direction, VPC and CVI launched an aggressive campaign over the summer of 2020 to promote absentee ballots and mail-in voting for the 2020 elections. The organizations sent out millions of mailers to battleground states, resulting in 939,000 registration applications and 2 million vote-by-mail applications. By the end of the 2020 election cycle, Lopach’s groups had sent ballot applications to 15 million people in swing states, nearly one-third of which were returned.
However, the initiative faced widespread criticism from voters, media outlets, and elected officials. Many voters were confused by the forms and unsure if they were sent by state governments. Others felt that their privacy had been violated since the forms already contained their names and addresses filled out from information purchased from state officials by CVI. Media outlets across the country ran stories after a flood of reports from voters unsure of the validity of their forms. Elected officials from local and state governments criticized the mailings for eroding confidence in elections.
In August 2020, it was revealed that a half-million absentee ballot applications mailed by CVI were invalid due to a clerical error. Lopach made a public statement attributing the error to a printing company subcontracted by CVI.

Several factual findings have been established heretofore beyond a shadow of a doubt;

  • Tom Lopach has zero credibility.

  • Tom Lopach either does not comprehend the meaning of the word non-partisan or is being disingenuous in his use of it...possibly both?

  • VPC/CVI have been attempting to rig elections across the nation for over a decade in a desperate attempt to get Democrats elected.

  • Neither Tom Lopach nor the organizations he leads are "non-partisan".

For the time being, the Examiner will refrain from delving into the twisted motivations which Lopach and company have for interfering in Alabama's elections. Pushing the needle for Biden in November seems a bit farfetched at this point. Sound money might be bet on the newly drawn 2nd U.S. Congressional District being the prime target for Lopach's convoluted calculations. Russell as well as Macon County are both included in that hotly contested district and serendipitously fall firmly within the Examiner's area of coverage. You have our solemn guarantee that a keen interest will be taken in these developments while they unfold and directly affect the citizens of East Alabama. As this master chess game plays out, the Examiner will be there to chronicle every moment of it. Stay tuned.

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