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Auburn Public Library Pushing Pornography on Children

Writer's picture: Staff ReportStaff Report

Martha Shamp, a concerned resident of Auburn, addressed the East Alabama Republican Assembly on June 20th of 2023 at their meeting in Opelika. Shamp brought several books with her that are currently in the Children's Section at the Auburn Public Library which feature pornographic imagery and highly inappropriate depictions of homosexual behavior. While displaying the books for attendees, Shamp briefed the crowd on her efforts to bring awareness to this diabolical situation at the library.

"I am working with a group called mass resistance. They have had a lot of traction in Idaho and different parts of the country teaching citizens who are sick of this kind of stuff infiltrating our media for our young people to stumble over. It is militant LGBT material at the Auburn Library, they are on a roll trying to pervert everybody that sees these books if they can.

I am trying to get a group together, come to Chappy's Restaurant if you want to help or know more on June 24th at 2pm o'clock. We are desperately trying to get some unity. We need a few people, it can't just be me."

"If you want to proceed on your own, at your own pace, come to the library board meetings and help me. Usually I am the only one who shows up and sometimes they get on their little phones and call the Gay Mafia to all come there, the Auburn crowd, that is wearing their pride stickers, their pride shoes, their pride ties, people that even work in the library. We are allowed three minutes to speak, and it takes more than one voice. But if you show up, it really packs a punch."

"The library board meetings are once a month, of course go to the Auburn Public Library website if you are computer savvy and see all of the details. I will tell you the next meeting is June 20th, that is next Tuesday at 10am. Protest, even if all you say is 'I am aware that there has been some abuse of this library and I hate these books'. Better yet, do some homework, bring a book that you can hold up and speak. For three minutes, all you need to do is just say 'This is against my values, this does not represent a Christian civilization that we once were in'."

"Also, you can do some helping, come to the City Council meetings in Auburn. If you live and reside within the Auburn city limits, come to the city council meetings. They are twice a month, Tuesday night. It's that same night as the Library Board meeting, so that's a tough day for me. In the morning, protesting. In the evening, protesting. At 6 o'clock, at the Auburn City Council chambers, that's in a beautiful new brick building on Ross. 141 North Ross. So come to the city council meeting, that's June 20th."

"I have drawn up a flier, that I want to distribute. These fliers, they have a photograph of Tyler Whitten, the Director of the Auburn Library who is the final one responsible for all of these filthy books he's got in there. His picture is going to be on the flier. It's just one LGBT book after another."

"The biggest issue is not LGBT, it's the sexualization whether homo or hetero, of young children. All the homosexual romances, that's all they buy now. Men loving men, women falling in love with women."


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